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Initially this page consisted of a compilation of news magazine and newspaper articles. I was under the impression that since I did not write these articles they would withstand the test of time. I was wrong. Not too long ago I received a direct threat from a well known U.S. intelligence agency ordering me to remove their three initials from these articles. Pointing out that asking me to remove their initials was essentially changing history didn't phase them... somewhere in my argument I mentioned Adolph Hitler. In the past I have purposely avoided making any personal observations and/or comments about these events and the stories surrounding them. The time is now right to make those observations and comments. The enormous damage caused to my family and me cannot be forgiven. These events are an insult to all my friends and associates... an insult to the United States of America... and an insult to the world community. Read on... Marty
First some comments on format. All my personal observations are in BLUE while public records and direct quotations are in BLACK. Names will be mentioned, where harmless, but where mentioning them may cause problems I shall simply put either initials or XX. Placing the cursor on most photographs reveals a description or my thoughts. As I look at this story today, 20 January 2005, it struck me that trying to put 70 years of my life into one chapter is too unwieldy. Seven chapters should do and they are...
Chapter One
The Beginning...
Chapter One The Beginning... Deciding where to start was the most difficult part of this story. I decided to start at the beginning.
Born in 1935, the second son of a plumber, my family and I lived in the the hard coal region of northeastern
Pennsylvania. We were surrounded by families from Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Lithuania, Hungary and many other coal miner producing countries. Having
the Kaiser name didn't help me much while these countries were being torn to
shreds before and during World War II. The hatred expressed towards me by
neighborhood children was enormous. As a child I had no idea that their
animosity was anything other than the norm. You will read more about this later.
My childhood was a time of roller skate keys, Radio Flyer wagons, smashing tin cans flat for the war effort, hanging in trees, digging tunnels, Zeppelins, kite flying, watching the big steam locomotives as they passed over my street, smashing a penny or two flat with their huge wheels, building rubber band powered airplanes and spending summers on a lake in the Pocono mountains.
During my pre-teen and early teen years I was fascinated by U control model airplanes and eventually had a large collection of them. The engines I started with were spark powered complete with points, coil and condenser. As radio controlled airplanes began to appear I found electronics more interesting. Shortly after the end of WW2 I received my amateur
radio license W3VCG and still hold those call letters today.
I can't say my school years were a shining beacon but at least I got through
them. In prep school XX became my co-dependent good buddy. He was born without
eyes but in spite of this I was able to get him involved in amateur radio too. I
took the glass out of the meters of an old transmitter/receiver and he was able to tune the transmitter by the
pressure the pointer exerted on his fingertips. He showed me how the loss of one sense is
compensated for by the others. We had lots of fun together with this incident
being the most humorous. I had my Mom's hand-me-down 51 Caddy and would drive it to a
long riverside park on the other side of the river from Wilkes-Barre. I would then allow my blind friend to take the wheel and speed up and down the park... usually with his left arm out of the window banging wildly on the side of the car while grinning from ear to ear. We were never caught but you can imagine a police man's expression as he approached the car.
I graduated from prep school in 1954 and made two attempts at college... both of which were not very successful.
While attending Rider College in Lawrenceville, N.J. I married a girl I had met at my summer home in the Pocono's and felt I'd better get a job quick. 60 years later we are still married.
We had unlimited use of vacuum chambers, glass working equipment and machine shops. After evaporating virtually every combination of chemicals I settled on Cesium Iodide doped with a bit Thallium as the most efficient evaporated phosphor. While working with these chemicals I conceived a totally new way to do image conversion. I wrote it up (see below), handed it to Dr. Morton who passed it up the line. It came back with a note that it had no commercial value but to be on the safe side they would issue a public technical note to destroy its patent value. I receive a "thanks" of $75.00.
RCA TN N0.: Martin L. Kaiser III ![]()
It is my understanding that when the Russians sent their first satellite around the back side of the moon they used this system because of its extreme simplicity.
In our group I remember four other technicians, each with their own expertise. We worked well together as a team and although I was always sticking my nose (comments) into many, many projects other than mine it gave me the opportunity to be part of some incredibly interesting projects... the end results of which became technology and products we take for granted today.
At the lab, we stumbled across that problem too and although we were generating tens of kilowatts of audio at the 6.8HZ frequency lab personnel were walking into walls, tripping over chairs and barfing. We decided to stay well away from the critical frequency and conduct our research elsewhere.
Since we were all pretty much playing it "by ear" we had more fun than anyone should have in one lifetime. Here is a good example. Several hundred yards behind the main building was a small pond. A bridge crossed the pond and in the middle of the bridge was a small house for test equipment. A hydrophone was lowered from the house into the pond. Two hundred yards away a 10 foot long by four inch diameter rod was driven flush with the ground. Next to it lay a small loudspeaker connected to a microphone in the pond house. My job was to drop a 10 pound cannon ball onto the stake when Klensch yelled "go" and he, in turn, would measure the shock wave. So there I was in the middle of a field repeatedly dropping a cannon ball
on the ground. Someone inside the main building noticed me and called authorities. Soon an ambulance was fast approaching across the field. My explanation caused all concerned side splitting laughter. After the ambulance left Klensch and I continued with the cannon ball dropping experiment.
One day Bill Haldane approached me and asked if I'd like to go to Trinidad. Neither he nor I knew where that was but it sounded interesting. When I got home I grabbed the Encyclopedia and found out. After discussing it with with my wife I returned with a firm "YES." A month or two later Bill again approached me and advised that Trinidad would not accept our presence and wondered if I would like to go to Antiqua. I didn't know where that was either but again said yes. A month or two later he told me that Antigua wouldn't accept our presence. He mentioned RCA had decided to set up the project on Barbados where there was a small U.S. Navy base and they simply would not tell the Barbadian government about the project. He asked if I would go there and I
responded in the affirmative even thought I had no idea what the "Project" was all about. Finally I was given a briefing about a new high frequency (1 to 30 MHz) "Over the Horizon Radar" (OHR) an RCA technician/ham had conceived. Essentially it was to study the "flutter effect" caused by objects moving through the ionosphere. In those days, thanks to the early design of limiter stages in the receiver, one could readily hear the effect when an airplane flew between an FM transmitter and FM receiver or see the effect when an airplane flew between a TV transmitter and TV receiver. My job was to see if any useful information could be extracted from the flutter (due to the early design of limiter stages in the receiver). I later learned that the two islands had turned us down because it was during the Cuban missile crisis and they did not want to antagonize their friend, Cuba. I was transferred to RCA Service Company and sent to Burlington, Massachusetts to check out the hardware. When I got there, to my astonishment, NOTHING relating to the project was there! Within three months I appropriated or stole (allocated but not yet delivered... midnight raids, you know) and assembled all of the equipment needed in two 40 foot trailers. Finally the two trailers were ready to be put on ships headed towards Barbados and Jamaica. My wife and I closed up the house and along with our 3 and 5 year old children flew, on probably one of the first 707's to take to the air, to Barbados.
As soon as we got settled I went to the Navy base to announce my presence. The Captain of the base responded with total surprise. NO ONE had informed him of our intention to set up on "his" base (north coast)! It turned out that the four RCA advance men never left Bridgetown (south coast), the capital city of Barbados, but instead spent their time enjoying the
wonderful Barbadian rum and the strikingly beautiful Barbadian women! I was truly on my own. After some serious negotiating, the Captain gave me a few hundred square feet of space on which
In a few weeks the antennas arrived aboard the same 707 I had arrived on. These consisted of four 50+ foot tower pieces and hundreds of pounds of rope, cable and hardware. It took the pilot, copilot, flight engineer, all the stewardesses, all the ground crew people I could gather and myself to get the pieces out of the airplane. Naturally, rum and beer flowed freely. They were then loaded on flatbed trucks and taken to my little piece of "land." My antenna site was to be on the beach 120 feet below but there was a major problem awaiting. The beach was covered by hundreds of Manchineel trees, a highly poisonous tropical tree that bears a very poisoness apple. One drop of the sap from either the tree or apple raises a blister on the skin within seconds. My son picked up one of the apples and threw it. He then rubbed his eye and wound up with a totally swollen and closed eye that oozed green glop for a month.
The trailer finally arrived by an interisland steamer (shades of the African Queen) and, you guessed it, there was no tractor on the Island with which to pull it. I must have looked like Buster Keaton getting the container off. When they raised the container a few feet it began to swing from side to side and one of those sides was the ocean! Finally on one long swing the Captain on the ship ordered the crane brakes released and with a load BANG! the container was now solidly on Barbadian soil. Several trips to the junk yard solved the tractor problem. The one I found also had no brake release compressor so I constructed a small gasoline powered compressor to do just that. The trailer was then towed, without brakes, over mountainous terrain to my site at the Navy base. My caravan consisted of myself in a 1958 VW waving a very large red flag out of the window followed by the tractor/trailer. As I passed through several small villages many Barbadians ran out to the street clapping their hands and jumping wildly in joy thinking the island had been or was going to be taken over by Communist!
After the trailer was in place I began installing four (two sets of two) HUGE log periodic antennas. Two were 150 foot long 1 to 30 MHz vertical log periodic curtains and two were huge, and very heavy, 3 to 30 MHz horizontal log periodic beams mounted on the 100 foot towers that supported the curtain. They were to be supported by 1/2 inch nylon rope. Nearly every night Barbadian fishermen would "liberate" some of my beautiful rope. To solve that problem I made several meaningless medallions that my workmen had to hang around their necks while working at the antenna site otherwise they would become impotent. When word got out about that, the thefts stopped IMMEDIATELY! To see more about the antennas and trailers go to my My family and I settled into the wonderful Barbadian life but the peace didn't last long. One day while working on the antennas I heard the drone of a four engine airplane and looked up to see a Russian bomber at about 1,000 feet with its bomb bay doors wide open and a very large camera sticking out. Others obviously saw the plane too because it wasn't long before the American Ambassador was banging on my door. Since my wife is the politician of the two of us I let her handle the incident. Sure enough, after a few of her special cherry-cheesecake pies we were back on track. Those pies seemed to be the magical answer to the many other situations that would arrive. In record breaking time I had the equipment up and running. All of the equipment worked fine and we were ready for the next step. That phase was up to someone else. Also, we had to wait for the advent of computers. The Russians tried the system for awhile and theirs became affectionally known as the "woodpecker" to us radio amateurs because of the sound it made as it swept across the radio bands. A couple of years ago my copy of MICROWAVE magazine arrived and lo and behold my system is STILL in operation. Again see the On my return to the U.S. I approached RCA Laboratories to change my title from Senior Technician to Associate Engineer in view of the fact that I had, under very difficult conditions and circumstances, acted as international diplomat and single handedly managed, designed, built, refined and operated a major project. They essentially said that since I did not have an engineering degree I was a "certifiable dummy" and my title could not be changed. That was the end of my career with RCA.
Petrovend Corporation asked Telerad (me) to develop possibly the worlds first dollar bill changer. They wanted to put the changer into all of their gas pumps. The unit I designed worked great but by the time it was finished... credit cards made the scene. Petrovend dropped the project in favor of credit cards.
I returned to college to receive my degree in Business Administration. Most likely with RCA's comment in mind along with being more mature, I totally surprised my wife and myself by spending all remaining semesters on the Deans List. While at college I took up flying and on graduation looked for a job in the field of avionics. Narco Aviation Products hired me to work at their marine facility in Cockeysville, Maryland. The company, Enac Triton, was essentially a one man show. I eventually thought, if he can do it, so can I! That job lasted about three months.
One day, in 1964, I announced to my wife that I was starting my own company. Naturally, she went into a panic. Not knowing exactly how to start a company, I picked up the telephone book and called the maintenance department of the first industry listed... Armco Steel. They agreed to give me a try and handed me an inoperative Curtis Immerscope. An Immerscope is a device that ultrasonically looks through a red hot steel ingot to find flaws or air bubbles. I took it home in the trunk of my 57 Chevy, cleaned it up and replaced all the high voltage wiring that had become brittle from extreme heat. The maintenance manager, Fred Vogelgesang, was ecstatic and told me to "sit" while he called his equivalent in other companies to tell them he had finally found the man they had been looking for. Within weeks I had over fifty industrial customers within easy driving distance. Initially, I was uncertain about how much to charge my customers. One day at 2:00 AM I received an emergency call from Armco Steel. Their vacuum degassing furnace had been damaged by some molten steel in the wrong place. This furnace was thirty feet in diameter and forty feet deep. Its load cell system (scale) was accurate to within less than one pound at 100,000 pounds! I climbed down inside the furnace and found the burned wiring. A few quick repairs had it up and running in no time. I billed them $200.00. A few days later the maintenance manager called and asked me to stop by... I did. He told me that Armco would have lost roughly $200,000.00 (1965 $s) if the steel awaiting the degassing furnace had hardened were it not for my timely and prompt repairs. He handed the invoice back to me and told me to add another zero! I WAS ON MY WAY!!! Obviously, I was wrong in charging only an hourly rate for my time when I should be charging for the value of the service from the customers prospective.
My customers included steel mills, copper refineries, bottling companies, plastic companies, ice cream cone manufacturers, plastic and paper cup manufacturers, canning companies, veneer manufacturers, breweries and nearly 100 more. My 57 Chevy was a blue streak Earl Scheib Special (that was a "paint your whole car including the tires for $19.95" company... just kidding about the tires)! When called by my first brewery I learned very quickly that when the "new" beer comes down the pipes very early in the morning it is was mandatory for all employees, including me, to drink as much beer as possible while the machinery cooled down. I was on a first name basis with many famous cockroaches. In a brewery it impossible to get rid of those little critters even with soapy superheated steam. It was after one of those brewery trips that I got lost in downtown Baltimore (I can't imagine why!). I passed a gate that said "U S Army Intelligence, Fort Holabird." Hey, perhaps they too had something to fix. I drove around the property until I found a door that said "Supplies." A simple knock on that door put me into the "intelligence business." After repairing shelf upon shelf of equipment and noticing the allocation tag on each showing the value (price), I approached the powers to be and asked if they would consider my manufacturing for them exactly what they wanted... and at a greatly reduced price. My offer was immediately accepted and I was now in the intelligence equipment manufacturing business starting with the UAA-1 and 1059 miniature audio amplifiers.
Miniature transmitters (eavesdropping/bugging devices) intrigued me and I manufactured a wide variety of them. It didn't take long after I got into the bug building business for me to see the potential danger of those little devices so I decided I'd better get busy and start manufacturing bug detectors or countermeasure equipment to find them. Marketing my products was a snap since I
could walk into virtually every intelligence agency in the Baltimore/Washington/Virginia area. I also began teaching courses on bugging and bug detection at Fort Holabird and that gave me access to other good marketplaces.
By the mid-70's I had close to 200 customers (I know this because I put a list of them together for my criminal trial). They included corporations large and small and foreign, federal, state and local governments. I did many high level sweeps that got lots of good press.
My fame spread internationally and in 1974 the Government sent me to Egypt to train various services there. Egypt is a very beautiful country albeit poor. My training was extensive and graciously accepted. Once firmly established in the intelligence equipment manufacturing business several magazine, news magazine and newspaper articles appeared about my company. It was a VERY satisfying time but it invited many people who were mildly crazy and some who were totally insane. For those I contacted their spouses or relatives suggesting they be hospitalized... and many were. One character turned out to be a professional litigant who was seeking affidavits to incriminate the Baltimore City Police Department. He left by air route. I later learned that the City of Baltimore settled out of court with him for $33,000.00.
One sad fellow was convinced the Martians were following him. I built a Martian Ray Detector for him hoping that might ease his pain and paranoia. He returned to my shop several times... each in a more depressed state. On one occasion he even parked in the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel to try to escape them. Finally, in desperation, he used a pair of ordinary gas pliers to pull out one of his molars thinking that was the homing device the Martians were using. He wrapped it in aluminum foil so the Martians couldn't track it and brought it to my shop. Out of curiosity I had my dentist X-ray the tooth and that revealed only a pin (antenna?). His wife joined him on his next visit and she and I decided on the obvious next step... the hospital.
In the early 70s a disheveled man wearing mismatched jacket and pant and tennis shoes showed up at my door. Thinking he was just another unbalanced person I told him I had some sensitive material on my desk and asked if he would return in an hour. I used that time trying to figure out what to do with him. It was Edwin Duncan (now deceased) owner and President/Chairman of Northwestern Bank head quartered in North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. He told me he was having security problems at his bank and was afraid the IRS was bugging him. I agreed to train his security office, Jerry Starr (also now deceased), who in turn purchased a quantity of countermeasure equipment. Jerry eventually called me from the bank's home base in North Wilkesboro and asked if I would come to the bank and go through a sweep with him. He instructed me to go to the Baltimore/Washington International (BWI) airport and a company plane would pick me up and take me to North Carolina. I was impressed. Sure enough a twin engine turboprop showed up and ferried me to North Carolina.
On landing at their home airport in North Wilkesboro I noticed the pilot push a button on the instrument panel and the doors of the very LARGE hanger ahead slid open. Inside the hanger were at least six, and probably more, beautiful white airplanes each with the Northwestern Bank logo on the tail. They ranged in size from a four engine Fairchild turboprop down to a classic Twin Beech. I was very, very impressed but wondered... what is a small North Carolina country bank doing with all these airplanes? Jerry later revealed that one of them had been set aside for North Carolina Senator Sam Irvin of Watergate fame. We performed an extensive sweep of all buildings and did indeed locate a device in the locked office of the Comptroller. I left finding the actual device to Jerry and returned to Baltimore in the same airplane.
As years went by I learned a great deal about Duncan. He turned out to be a super patriot and used the banks enormous resources to fund various special operations conducted in foreign country's (most likely that is why he kept the IRS at bay). For example, in 1972, while visiting a friend with the Dade County (Miami) Bomb Squad I passed through the airport concourse and noticed a banner saying "Fly to the Cayman Islands... $62.00 round trip." Noting that I could get there and back in one day, I grabbed a flight. On landing in Cayman I knew that this is where I wanted to be.
Feeling particularly spry one day I called FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and told him I manufactured products that might be of interest to him. He promptly invited me to visit him at headquarters. Walking into his office I immediately noticed that his desk was on a four inch pedestal and the legs on the sofa in front of the desk had been sawed off. I sat on the arm of the sofa and looked at him eye to eye. I think he liked that. He passed me on to their intelligence support office where I met XX. XX took me to the U.S. Recording Company and explained how to do business with the FBI through that company. Business went along fine until the Omnibus Crime Bill (Title III) was passed in 1968. Upon reading it, I immediately saw that I could not deal with apparent commercial concerns such as U.S. Recording. The FBI gave me a rubber stamp that essentially said "This order complies with the provisions of the Omnibus Crime Bill." Seeing real problems with that arrangement, any equipment ordered through U.S. Recording was delivered DIRECTLY to the FBI with the invoice going to U.S. Recording. During one of my many visits to the FBI technical section I noticed one of my invoices sitting on XX's desk and it was marked up a substantial percentage. I thought that was strange but paid no further attention to it.
In 1972 a company called Audio Intelligence Deices (AID) made its appearance. Their catalog claimed they could make "off the shelf" delivery... an apparent violation of Title III (Omnibus Crime Bill... it is illegal to manufacture, assemble, possess or offer for sale any device primarily designed for surreptitious interception of oral communications UNLESS you are under contract with a federal, state or local government). Having been warned on numerous occasions that I could not manufacture any device unless I had the contract in hand first, I immediately brought this apparent conflict to the attention of one of the very U.S. Attorney Generals' who had warned me.
Built into the Omnibus Crime Bill (Title III) was an automatic five year review period. In early 1975 I was contacted by investigators XX and XX of the U.S. House Select Committee on Intelligence. They asked that I prepare a statement detailing my observations of the effectiveness of the Omnibus Crime Bill. During our conversation I mentioned how I was dealing with the FBI through U.S. Recording, the rubber stamp and the incident about the marked up invoice. I prepared a statement primarily asking why AID was permitted to inventory and market "off the shelf" equipment while I could not. After my statement was prepared I contacted the CIA and FBI to see if there were any problems with my appearing before the Committee. The CIA asked for a days delay (a huge snowstorm saw to that) and then gave me the O.K. The statement was turned over to the investigators and a day was set for my appearance before the Committee.
Upon taking a seat to read my prepared statement, to my astonishment, it had been completely rewritten! The new statement attacked the FBI and made no mention whatsoever of AID. I immediately told XX that I was NOT going to read that statement. He instructed me to go to an ante room and repair it wherever I felt it was needed. Not anticipating this level of deception I had not brought a copy of my original statement. If I had, I most certainly would have read that instead. Given little time to repair a non-repairable statement, I did the best I could. When I read the revised statement all of the Congressmen looked at each other, me and the paper in front of them, wondering what was happening. To this day I do not know which of the three statements was read into the Congressional Record and... quite frankly, I don't give a damn.
On returning to my office I telephoned FBI Director Kelly (he replaced Hoover who had died) and requested a meeting with him. Two other high level FBI officials were present. I later read the internal FBI communications about that meeting. One of the men wanted to seriously deal with the U.S. Recording problem while the other wanted to execute me on the spot!
Shortly afterwards, two FBI agents showed up at my plant and tried to get me to withdraw my testimony. Every half hour one agent would leave the room to go to the "bathroom" i.e. change the tape in his recorder. He didn't even have the common sense to flush the toilet that was on the other side of the wall from my office to cover his activities. They tried to force me to sign their statement. I initially refused but later agreed to sign it with the statement "I have partially prepared the above statement." That got them out the door.
Shortly after that incident a "private detective" called and asked if I would show him how to three wire a telephone. We met in a conference room at a local motel in Towson. He handed me a screwdriver and I handed it right back to him and told him if he wanted to learn the process HE would have to do the work. About that time I noticed the toes of a pair of wing-tipped shoes at the bottom of the curtain that separated the room. Finally that person entered the room and, along with the other, tried to force me to make the modifications. I declined and departed. What a bunch of nonsense.
In a few weeks just about every common criminal in the Baltimore area began showing up at my plant. None got in the door. The FBI must have covertly informed these scum bags they were being wiretapped by the FBI and Kaiser could fix their problems. This type of nonsense went on for years.
In the midst of all the various intelligence agencies efforts to do me in, I received a warning from a credible agency friend that the Government was going to charge me with an unspecified crime. That warning resulted in this letter to Attorney General Levi.
Countersurveillance . Bomb Detection . Surveillance Electronics
March 23, 1976
Dear Mr. Attorney General:
It is with great hesitation that I write to you, however, I believe that I am in serious trouble and that you are the only person who will be able to assist me.
For over ten years, Martin L. Kaiser, Inc. has been a major supplier of electronic countermeasure, surveillance and clandestine bomb detection equipment to law enforcement agencies from the federal level downward. Among my customers, and these but a few, were the CIA, Department of Defense, FBI, State Department, Army, Navy and Air Force Intelligence, Coast Guard, etc. In June, 1975, the National Wiretap Commission, operating under a Congressional mandate, received my business records under threat of subpoena. These records were subsequently brought to the attention of the House Select Committee on Intelligence by the National Wiretap Commission. As a result, it became publicly known that the FBI purchased its electronic countermeasure and surveillance equipment through a front known as the U. S. Recording Company. This disclosure has been of extreme embarrassment to the FBI, but I can assure you it is not an embarrassment of my making. I am sure you are well aware of the media's treatment of subsequent events.
Since this fact became known, my business has fallen to virtually zero. No federal agency or, for that matter, local agency will even discuss purchases of equipment with me. I can only assume, but cannot conclusively prove, that the FBI has "passed the word."It is not however, this event and the subsequent economic loss which are of primary concern, for I do engage in other business activities which will carry me through this trying time. Recently, a person of known reliability has pointedly warned me that I am to be made a test case under the criminal wiretap provisions of the 1968 Omnibus Crime Act. Being thoroughly familiar with the complicated and often conflicting provisions of that Act, I am fully aware of the danger existing to anyone who has committed themselves to the manufacture of electronic surveillance equipment.
I have never knowingly violated and have always strictly insisted on compliance with the provisions of the Omnibus Bill. I am firmly convinced that I am not presently violating the Bill, either. However, because of its complexity, my vulnerability, the FBI's pique, the new media's pressure, and the warning relayed to me, quite frankly, I am indeed worried. Although I know full well, based on previous attempts to receive clarification of the Bill, it is not the normal business of the Justice Department to give a "clean bill of health" to a citizen, I indeed wonder if there would be some way for you to advise me whether, under the wildest stretch of imagination, I am contravening any provision of the Omnibus Bill. Although I am reconciled to being driven out of this business, I desperately hope that I will not have to go through a trial in the process.
As mentioned previously, I also manufacture clandestine bomb detection equipment, again, having done this for federal and local agencies. Through a rather lengthy chain of events, the FBI now heads the National Bomb Program. Attempts to contact the FBI immediately after the LaGuardia explosion (which occurred well after my Congressional testimony) resulted in the most callous response I have ever received to one of my offers of assistance. The implications are hideous and further support my desire to resolve the issues as promptly as possible.
As a citizen who has consistently demonstrated his support of the law enforcement community and, therefore, his country, I need your help. Any assistance will be sincerely appreciated.
Basically, Levi responded by saying... You do what you think is correct... and if you're wrong, we'll arrest you. Not very comforting.
Within months of my testimony before the House Select Committee on Intelligence my business of manufacturing eavesdropping and countermeasure equipment fell to ZERO! Fortunately, I had the ability to shift into the manufacture of bomb detection and disposal equipment, a marketplace the intelligence community couldn't and wouldn't dare try to control. Heh, heh... was I wrong...
Baltimore, MD Monday, October 25, 1976 Witness's Business Suddenly Drops When the House Select Committee on Intelligence invited Marty L.
Kaiser to testify at its hearings on illegal wiretapping by government agencies,
he did the statesmen a favor and accepted the invitation.
Now they can return it by helping him answer a question: Why is it that he
averaged about $200,000 annual in business from these agencies before he
testified just one year ago and has averaged zilch since then?
Word later came that Edward H. Levi, Attorney General, ordered an
investigation of links between several top echelon FBI officials and the head of
the firm serving as the original recipient of the equipment.
Citizen Kaiser is the slightly stout little fellow from Timonium who has been
called "the Michelangelo of electronics" because of his uncanny talent for
making things out of juiced up wires and finding such things made by others to
bug their fellow man. There was a time when his marvelous little devices - all
assembled by his nimble brain and nimble fingers in a small block building next
to Brooks Robinson's sporting goods shop - were the rage of the FBI, Secret
Service, armed forces and private customers in the world of the super-duper snoop
and counter-snoop. His developments in electronic eavesdropping for law
enforcement and government intelligence had made him one of the most widely
publicized and sought after specialists in the field.
His equipment and techniques led to the discovery that bugs had been placed
on telephones in the offices of Governor Mandel, at least four other governors,
and Milton A. Allen, the Supreme Bench judge who was then state's attorney for
The big, red car in his driveway is known as his "President Sadat Cadillac"
because he bought it after a lucrative service performed for the Egyptian chief,
training his aides in electronic counterintelligence.
Such foreign work and private assignments like countering industrial
espionage, says Marty Kaiser, have enabled his company to survive the withdrawal
of government business.
"I'm still busy, but most of my business comes from other sources," he says.
"I've tried to find out why I was dropped so suddenly. After all, I didn't ask
to talk to the committee. They invited me and made it clear that I'd be
subpoenaed if I didn't accept the invitation.
"I even went over and talked to (FBI Director) Clarence Kelley about it for
an hour. I was only doing my duty, which is something the FBI certainly ought to
understand, and he certainly seemed to understand.
At one point Citizen Kaiser brought suit against officials of several
intelligent and military agencies under the Freedom of information Act in an
attempt to get an official reason for his freeze-out.
"About the only thing I got out of that was word from the Army that they have
no file on me. I told that they must have, became I was in the Army once. I even
gave- them my Trial number, but they said my file must have burned up in a fire
at the records center.
For Martin Kaiser, who is more at home in the microcosmic world of
transistors and printed circuits than the mystical world of Washington
politics, there is something familiar about it all.
Shortly before establishing his Timonium business 12 years ago, he helped
develop a missile detection system heralded in 1964 by President Johnson using
the bending beam principle in a device "seeing" beyond the horizon.
At the time, he says, he was making about $6,300 a year for Radio Corporation
of America after starting at $3,900 about six years earlier. For his sterling
work, he was rewarded with an assignment as manager of the anti-missile project
when it was moved from Burlington, Mass., to Barbados, West Indies. But one day,
be recalls, an Air Force officer asked him to compare RCA's efforts with
Raytheon in similar work. "After evaluating their work against RCA, I really
felt they were doing a better job, really outstanding. I said so, and the and
the next thing we knew was that Raytheon had the project.
"I wasn't fired, because that wasn't the way they operate instead, they
offered me a promotion - in Australia. "I said it was okay if they'd pay to move
my wife and kids, too, but they said no, I'd have to pay. I calculated the costs and they came to roughly $14,000. So I didn't take the promotion."
There is something faintly similar between the Australia to which Martin
Kaiser was to be assigned in 1964 for his compulsive candor with an Air Force
officer and the Siberia of the intelligence world to which he has been relegated
for speaking out before the House Select Committee on Intelligence in 1975.
For a man whose equipment may form the heart of the nation's defense and
counterintelligence system, he seems to be getting short shrift.
The least the committee owes him in return for his service is a little help
in determining why.
Obviously, I did NOT have a huge intelligence organization at my disposal so I did the best I could to uncover those who were liabling and slandering me. I filed numerous suits under the Freedom of Information Act but, unfortunately, that was a total waste of time and money. Here is a good example. Note the date of my request and note the date of the response.
115 Bosley Avenue Cockeysville, MD 21030 Dear Mr. Kaiser: This is in response to your attorney's letter, dated 29 September 1976 (underline added), in which he appealed on your behalf the decision of this Agency, dated 8 July 1976, regarding your request for all Agency records which may exist concerning you. While two documents have been released to you, we have informed you that we would not grant further access to any documents, if additional documents did exist, that might be responsive to your request. Your appeal has been presented to the Central Intelligence Agency Information Review Committee. Pursuant to the authority under paragraph 1900.51(a) of Chapter XIX, Title 32 of the code of Federal Regulations, I, as Deputy Director for Administration have determined that the fact of the existence or nonexistence of any documents which would reveal a confidential or covert connection with or interest in matters relating to those set forth in your request is classified pursuant to the appropriate Executive order. Further, I have determined that the fact of the existence or nonexistence of such documents would relate directly to information concerning sources and methods which the Director of Central Intelligence has the responsibility to protect from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with subsection 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947 and section 6 of the CIA Act of 1949. Accordingly, pursuant to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemptions (b) (1) and (b) {3) respectively, and Privacy Act (PA) exemptions (j) (1) and (k) (1), your appeal is denied to the extent that it concerns any such documents. By this statement we are neither confirming nor denying that such documents exist. Material withheld under FOIA exemption (b) (1) encompasses matters which are specifically authorized under criteria established by the appropriate Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and which are in fact currently and properly classified. Exemption (b) (3) pertains to information exempt from disclosure by statute. The relevant statutes are subsection 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, 50 U.S.C. 403 (d) (3) which makes the Director of Central Intelligence responsible for protecting intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure, and section 6 of the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949, as amended, 50 U.S.C. 403g, which exempts from the disclosure requirement information pertaining to the organization, functions, names, official titles, salaries or numbers of personnel employed by the Agency. Material withheld on the basis of PA exemption (j) (1) concerns intelligence sources and methods encompassed by those portions of systems of records which the Director of Central Intelligence has determined to be exempt from access by individuals pursuant to the authority granted by this sub- section and regulations promulgated thereunder (32 C.F.R. 1901.61). Information withheld on the basis of exemption (k) (1) in this instance encompasses those portions of all systems of records which the Director of Central Intelligence has determined to be exempt from access by individuals pursuant to the authority granted by this subsection and regulations promulgated thereunder (32 C.F.R. 1901.71) because the material is properly classified under the terms of the appropriate Executive order and subject to the provisions of Section 552(b) (1) of the Freedom of Information Act, as amended. In accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and the privacy Act you have the right to seek judicial review of the above determinations in a united States district court. We regret that our response to your letter of appeal has been so long delayed and that we can not be of further assistance to you in this matter.
[Signature] Harry E. Fitzwater My success was, as you can see, limited and it wasn't until after my criminal trial that I uncovered one of the documents that provided the driving source for the incessant anger against me. As a Christian I found it difficult to believe that some individuals would continue a vendetta for such a long period of time... yet, it was true. Side Bar A Bomb Story 5/08 |