Chapter Three Bugging the FBI... In July of 1978 I was contacted by another foreign government, Argentina, that needed training and equipment. They arranged for me to fly there and meet with their technical people. I declared most of their equipment crude and outdated and recommended they replace it. They wanted to buy bugs, bugs and more bugs and wanted to do it through a U.S. Recording type of company. I told them NO WAY, left the country, and have not heard from them since! I can't leave this paragraph without making a comment about how universaly beautiful Argentinean women are. I wish I could have stayed... but I don't speak Spanish. In mid 1978 an Executive Vice President (EVP) of Northwestern Bank requested a visit to my facility. I had never dealt with this particular person but I knew Duncan was involved with other more pressing matters. The EVP told me that the FBI had replaced the IRS as Duncan's chief antagonist and the FBI was totally disrupting the functioning and operations of Northwestern Bank. The FBI was using the old "divide and conquer" routine to demoralize and frighten the employees. The FBI started with lower level employees and were working upwards towards management. Duncan felt it would be a good idea if every manager carried a pocket recorder to recorded any and all conversations with the investigating agents. The language of his intent was clearly within the confines of the law, i.e. one party consent. He also purchased three 1/3rd speed cassettes recorders to record conference room confrontations. The EVP left my facility with one of the 1/3rd speed recorders and I ordered the remaining two for him. Several weeks later the EVP telephoned and indicated that there was one scenario they weren't prepared for... that being the making of recordings in a Northwestern Bank office controlled by the FBI. I told the EVP that regardless of the surroundings the same one party consent rule would apply.
A few days later a Northwestern aircraft arrived at BWI airport to ferry me to North Wilkesboro. That Sunday I was taken to the main bank building and shown the office the bank wanted to monitor. On returning to the target room I installed the microphone and preamp inside the telephone jack cover. In an office on the other side of the building I connected my preamp to the designated wires... turned up the volume... and I could hear myself as clear as a bell. A sense of pride came over me and I was satisfied I had earned my money. I packed my bags and left town on one of Northwestern's airplanes.
Shortly afterwards Duncan was indicted for misapplication of several hundred thousand of the banks money. He was convicted of misapplying $675.00! Thanks to one of the idiotsyncrasies of our legal system, the sentencing guidelines are base on what you are charged with, not what you are convicted of, and Duncan was given a three year sentence. He was now a broken man and the vultures came to feed.... and feed they did. To thank him for all he had done for them 15,000 people came to Duncan's send off party. Do you have that many friends? Duncan was a giant of a man in North Carolina and had helped hundreds of thousands of people during his term as Chairman. Now, that was all to end. Shortly afterwards Duncan, Starr and the EVP were charged with bugging the FBI. They had extremely bad counsel. Rather than stick with their lawful position of one party consent, counsel came up with all kinds of rinky-dink defenses and got them all convicted. What Duncan and others didn't know, and I would later learn, the FBI had absolutely no evidence the device I installed was ever used. To counter that, one of the FBI case agents , using one of the tape recorders seized from Northwestern Bank, fabricated a tape recording of an alleged telephone call. That tape was then used in Duncan's trial and I am sure it got them all convicted.
Chapter One The Beginning... Side Bar A Bomb Story Chapter Two The The U S Recording Scandal... Chapter Four The Criminal Case... Chapter Five The Civil Case... Chapter Six Repercussions... Chapter Seven My personal observations... 5/08 |